Design Your Own Chanukah Crafts and Activities

Design Your Own Chanukah Crafts and Activities
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Keep kids busy for hours on end, with this fun and educational Activity Set! There is loads to do in all areas of artful creativity, keeping kids busy and happily learning for hours on end.
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1 20 page activity book, 7 in x 5 in.
1 black and white banner, 12 in. x 14. in.
6 crayons – red, yellow, blue, brown, purple and green
1 DYO Fabric Dreidel pouch
1 DYO Chanukah Foam door hanger
1 DYO Chanukah Bookmark
1 Chanukah Magic Scratch 5 in. x 7 in. with plastic pen
1 Chanukah Stencil 5x7 in.